Friday, 12 February 2016

SEO Checklist Lagos Nigeria

SEO the right way

Many business fail to realize the importance of SEO until traffic to their business is low or non existence.

In the true sense of it, SEO should be taking into account when building a site.

SEO is critical if any online business is to succeed.

SEO is making your site search engine friendly and being social in the different social platform be it facebook, Linkedln, pinterest, blogger, Instagram, google plus, twitter, and the rest.

It requires you looking for the group in your subject area and posting content, be it text, images, videos etc.

To some SEO is about circumventing google and bombarding people online with unsolicited mail, messages etc.

Some people go as far as tricking people with inaccurate headlines. When you visit the site, content is different from headlines.

In time the wheat is sort out from the chaff. That is why it is critical to do it the right way. Never be in a hurry.

We know people attention span is so short, to attract and keep people on your site. Your content needs to be relevant to them. Either in an educational sense or entertaining etc

We have created this tips as a guide for new and existing business.

SEO by itself is a vast area, this is just some tips to help your business, if you choose to do things the right way

1. Title Tag

This is indicate what a page is about. This is used by search engines to understand your page content and match it to user search based on google complex algorithms.

Title tags also help users have a quick glance at your content. It is what users see in search result.

Users have few seconds to determine if a search result is useful or not, it is mostly based on title.

2. Duplicate Title

Never give your pages same title, you can get penalize for this. Many people do this, trying to load every page title with same keyword

3. Long title tag.

Your title should not be more than 65 characters. If it is for any reason, ensure most relevant words are written first


Avoid redirects if possible, not good for SEO, when necessary try to limit it.

5. Site Usability

Ensure a user can reach any your relevant contents with 3 click, also helps crawlers crawl your site fast and find relevant content easily

6. Anchor Text

Descriptive anchor text contributes to link relevancy – a big factor in SERP rankings.

It helps crawlers reach other relevant content on your site quickly and users alike.

7. Broken Links

Meaning content not indexed. Check your links, google webmaster have a good tool for this.

8.Long URLs

Generally, the shorter URLs are better. Search engines display URLs as part of search results, long URLs may be cut off and deter users from clicking. Shorter URLs are easier to share socially and are more readable.

9.Duplicate Content

Only one of the content will be indexed and you can get penalize. It is a very lazy thing to do.

10. Meta Description

Provides more explanation than a tile title tag does about content of a page. This also displays in search result. Be mindful of the importance.

11. Too many links

Is a no no. The lesser the better and links must be relevant. Don’t try to outsmart the algorithm.

12. Robots.txt

Is use to give instruction to crawlers on what part of your site to search and what not to. Important to give crawlers access to relevant content.

13. Unfreindly URL

If search engines cant read your url it is bad for SEO

14. Low Word Count

Google use an algorithm to count number of words in a page, few number of word, the lower the SERP ranking.

15. Image Descriptions

This is yet to catch fire, if you get my drift. This is very important, naming your images with relevant words and keywords.

Google now display images in search result.

Very important for SEO

16. Fast Loading site

Users are impatient, ensure your site loads fast or it is not slow. To encourage users to return. Crawlers have designated crawl budgets, so the longer your pages take to load the fewer pages may get indexed.

17 Links from Top Sites

Is your site link to top sites with relevant content and more importantly is there a link back.

18. Social shares

Ensure your content is shared to the major social platform. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, google plus, blogger, LinkedIn etc

This is not exhaustive SEO tips. The article will be updates

SEO Checklist Lagos Nigeria

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